Privacy Policy

This information describes (i) the management methods of the website (hereinafter, the “Site“) and the processing of personal data of users who consult it, as well as (ii) the processing of personal data of those who, as users or in any other capacity, have relationships or contacts with Native Agency S.r.l. or otherwise provide Native Agency S.r.l. their personal data, for the purposes and further terms and conditions of this information, or in relation to which Native Agency S.r.l. carries out personal data processing operations (hereinafter, the “Data Subjects”).

This information is provided pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”).

  1. Data controller

The data controller is Native Agency S.r.l. (hereinafter, the “Owner”), ​​with registered office in Naples, Via G. Porzio Snc, Centro Direzionale Isola A2, 80143, tel. +39 081 18175308 fax +39 081 7877098 ,  pec

The updated list of any data controllers is available at the Data Controller’s headquarters. Any reference to Native Agency S.r.l. or to the Owner is therefore understood to be automatically done also to such subjects, if applicable.

  1. Place and methods of data processing

The processing connected to the web services of the Site, as well as the processing carried out by Native Agency S.r.l. in any other capacity pursuant to this information, take place at the Data Controller’s headquarters and are handled by internal staff, appropriately appointed, in writing, in charge of processing, pursuant to the GDPR, and/or by personnel external to the Data Controller’s organization , subject to suitable appointment, always in writing, as data controller, pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR.

All personal data is processed both in paper and, predominantly, electronic format. The same will be stored in a form that allows identification of the user only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were originally collected and, in any case, within the limits of the law. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access, in compliance with the provisions of the GDPR.

In order to ensure that personal data is always accurate, updated, complete and relevant, we invite interested parties to report any changes to the following PEC address nativeagencysrl@pec .it

  1. Purpose of processing

Personal data are processed by the Data Controller for the following purposes:

  1. a) within the limits and solely for the purposes of providing services accessible through the Site, as well as to allow interested parties to learn about and learn more about the activities and initiatives of the Owner;
  2. b) manage and process, in relation to what is indicated in the previous point, questions and contact requests with Native Agency S.r.l. and the subjects attributable to the Data Controller’s organization formulated by the interested parties.

The performance of the activities referred to in letters a) and b) listed above does not require the consent of the interested party, as these are services or performances performed, in most cases, in execution of requests made directly by the interested party pursuant to the ‘art. 6, c. 1, letter b), of the GDPR.

  1. Provision of data and consequences in case of failure to provide it

The provision of personal data for the above purposes is optional and failure to provide it will result, as the sole consequence, in the impossibility for the Data Controller to manage and process the requests of the interested party.

  1. Types of data processed
  2. Navigation data

The IT systems and software procedures used to operate this Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.

This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified subjects but which, by its very nature, could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users of the Site to be identified.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site.

This category also includes data processed through the use of cookies. To this end, please refer to the provisions of the Cookie Policy prepared by Native Agency S.r.l., which can be found at the following link https://nativeagency.test/cookie -policy/.

  1. Data provided voluntarily by interested parties or collected from third parties

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of an e-mail address, as well as the related message, to the addresses indicated on the Site, as well as the sending of messages via the published collection forms, entails the subsequent acquisition of the address of the sender and any other personal data entered by the interested parties and necessary to respond to their requests.

Specific summary information may be reported or displayed, from time to time and where strictly necessary, on the pages of the Site set up for particular services on request.

In addition to the foregoing, any further personal data (such as, by way of example and not limited to, personal data, contact data, such as telephone number and e-mail address, etc.) provided to the Owner, or otherwise collected by the Owner from third parties, will be processed by the Owner in accordance with this information and within the limits established by the GDPR.

  1. Recipients and categories of recipients

No data will be disclosed or transferred to third parties unless with the prior consent of the interested party. Where communication to third party suppliers or consultants of Native Agency S.r.l. should it be necessary for organizational, administrative or support needs for the services provided, the Data Controller will be responsible for appointing the latter as data controllers pursuant to the GDPR.

The complete and updated list of these subjects is available at the Data Controller’s headquarters and may be requested at any time by the interested parties through a request to be sent to the certified e-mail address

It is understood that the personal data of the interested parties may be freely communicated to third parties, such as public authorities, whenever this is permitted by law or required by an order or provision of a public authority.

  1. Transfer of data to third countries

Within the scope of the purposes indicated in this information, the personal data of the interested parties will be processed by the Data Controller within the territory of the European Union and will not be disclosed.

  1. Shelf life

Personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are collected and processed. Once the purpose of the processing has been exhausted, or in the event of exercise of the right to object to the processing or revocation of the consent given, the Data Controller will in any case be entitled to further retain the personal data in whole or in part, for the purposes permitted by the GDPR ( such as the need to assert a right in court). As a rule, personal data will be kept for 2 years from their registration, without prejudice to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, pursuant to the GDPR, as well as any longer term that may be provided for in the future in cases governed from time to time by the applicable legislation or by relevant authorities.

  1. Links to other websites

The Owner does not control nor has the ability to supervise either the content or the personal data processing policies of the websites and third-party services accessible through the links contained within the Site. Native Agency S.r.l., therefore , cannot in any case be held responsible for the processing carried out through or in relation to such third-party sites.

Users of the Site are therefore invited to pay maximum attention in this regard, reading the conditions of use and the privacy policies published on the portals visited.

  1. Rights of interested parties

10.1 Rights of access, deletion, limitation and portability

The interested parties are granted the rights referred to in the articles. from 15 to 20 of the GDPR. By way of example, each interested party may:

  1. a) obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed;
    b) if processing is in progress, obtain access to the personal data and information relating to the processing, as well as request a copy of the personal data;
    c) obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data and the integration of incomplete personal data;
    d) obtain, if one of the conditions provided for by the art. 17 of the GDPR, the cancellation of personal data concerning him;
    e) obtain, in the cases provided for by art. 18 of the GDPR, the limitation of processing;
    f) receive personal data concerning him in a structured format, commonly used and readable by automatic device and request their transmission to another owner, if technically feasible.< /li>

10.2 Right to object

Each interested party has the right to object at any time to the processing of their personal data carried out for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Data Controller. In the event of opposition, your personal data will no longer be processed, provided that there are no legitimate reasons to proceed with the processing which prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the interested party, or for the assessment, exercise or the defense of a right in court.

10.3 Right to withdraw consent

In the event that consent is required for the processing of personal data, each interested party may also revoke the consent already given at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation. Consent can be revoked by writing an email to the pec address

10.4 Opt-out

With reference to the processing of personal data for the purposes referred to in art. 6 letter. e), the Data Controller may not request the consent of the interested party, provided that the latter is adequately informed and does not refuse such use, initially or during subsequent communications. The interested party, at the time of collection and at the time of sending any communication carried out for the purposes referred to in this paragraph, is informed of the possibility of objecting to the processing at any time, easily and free of charge.

10.5 Right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor

Furthermore, each interested party may lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data if he believes that the rights he holds pursuant to the GDPR have been violated

  1. Updates

This Privacy Policy will be subject to updates. The Data Controller therefore invites interested parties who wish to know how their personal data is processed to periodically visit this page.